• Welcome! If you’re new to our worship service, welcome to our church!  You are invited to stay for snacks and refreshment at the Fellowship Hall after today’s service.  If you like us to connect with you, please email us at hello@vcefc.org so that someone from the care team can reach out to you.
    • Special Family meeting on October 7th at 2:00pm to meet with Pastor Lucy Li as our children ministry pastor candidate.
    • Sunday School Class:
      – Church History II: Protestant Reformation and Theology by Pastor Joe Yu
      The Protestant Reformation was one of the major epochs in European history. It began in 1517 with the publication of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five. It changed people’s way of looking at themselves and the world, it led to wider European literacy, and eventually forced governments to grant religious freedoms. More importantly in our Sunday school context, it impacted our view of the role and relation between the Church and individual believers, as well our theology about faith and salvation.
      – How to Interpret the Bible II by Hansel Wang
      As an extension to the general principles and guidelines that govern the interpretation process for the Bible. This “Part II” course explores the specific rules for the interpretation of different literary types, such as narrative, prophecy, epistle, apocalypse, etc., in both the Old and New Testament.
    • Annual General Meeting to be held on Oct 29.
      Nominees for 2024
      Church Board
      – Stella Lee
      – Joel Yung
      – Yeda Hong (re-elected)
      – Keith Kwan (re-elected)
      – Nancy Luk (re-elected)
      – Jessie Ng (re-elected)
      – Vivian Wong
      – Ming Yu
      – Darren Lau (re-elected)
      – Frances Marr
      – Andrew Tung
      – Selwyn Luk
      – Alan Ng
      – Ronne Wan
      Financial Reviewer
      – Ada Fok
      – Daryl Lee
      * Members can submit nominations of other church members before Oct 8th.
    • Kid’s Night October 31st
      Timothy Fellowship will be hosting our church’s “Kids Night” again this year on October 31st 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Kids night is a fun and safe alternative to Halloween for the children of our church and our neighbours. Every year Timothy Fellowship has provided carnival style games, prizes and treats to the children as a service to the church community.. This year we will also have “night market” style food booths for parents and adults to enjoy and participate in the fun of the evening.
    • 3rd Sunday ESC Gathering on October 15
      We will be having a dim sum lunch gathering after Sunday school on October 15, at Golden Seafood Restaurant. Come join us for a time of Fellowshipping over some delicious food. Please sign-up in the fellowship hall after the service.
    • Please note that the underground parking is reserved for seniors and families with babies/toddlers on Sundays. And to make sure you do not park at the back lane or on our neighbours’ property.
    • Open Gym for the church: 3pm-5:30 every 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at Vancouver Christian School (Entrance through the front garage gate).
    • As the church continue to grow, we have noticed that more and more brothers and sisters in church may share the same first and last names. Please make sure to include your phone number (or mailing address) on the Offering Envelop or on the Remarks Section for e-transfer to avoid confusion on your Donation Slip.
    • In the event that your contact information has changed (i.e. address, telephone number, or email address), please contact the church office to update the directory.
    • Based on the recommendation from the VCEFC Critical Response Team and the approval from the Church Board, the mask mandate is changed from mandatory to recommended starting on April 1. Due to the health and comfort of the others, please consider wearing a mask when there is a mass gathering. Continue to stay at home if you are not feeling well.
    • Are you looking for ways to exercise your gifts and to serve the Lord in our church community? We invite you to go to our church’s website to take a look at the descriptions of the various service opportunities available and instruction on how to get involve in our ministry teams. The direct link is https://vcefc.org/1033/serve
    • You can download our bulletin and reflection questions for today’s service either through the QR code on screen or through the church’s website at VCEFC.org.
    • For ministries, fellowships and small groups to have meetings in Church, please inform the office by email at least one week ahead to book rooms. Room availability can be checked in our website. Please click “Room Booking” under “Contact Us” in the main menu.
    • In addition to the regular prayer meetings on Wednesday, we invite you in praying for Mission and Evangelism on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 to 8:30pm.
    • Community prayer time will resume back to meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30. Join us in praying as a community for our church, our city and the world. https://zoom.us/j/446506289
    • Small groups and Fellowships are available for all ages and life stages, from teens through college, adults and career, all the way to retired seniors. For more information on our various fellowships and small groups please visit our church website under the “Get Connected” section on the menu tab, or email us at hello@vcefc.org .
    • Welcome Team for Hong Kong Newcomers has been established in order to welcome and show hospitality to both fellow Christians and friends who immigrate or return to Canada from Hong Kong. If you have family or friends who have recently moved to or are planning to move to Vancouver, looking for church or some assistance, please feel free to contact Pastor Job Chan (jobchan@vcefc.org) or Yeda Hong (vcefc.welcome@gmail.com). Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/100847038934841/
    • ONLINE OFFERING: Now you have the option to give your offering through Interac e-transfer. You can still mail your cheques, or drop off your offering at the church. For further instruction on how to  give online, click here.
    • CONTACT US: We know that this can be a difficult and distressing time for some. If you have any needs, concerns or prayer requests, we want to hear from you.  You can connect with the church through email at admin@vcefc.org or by phone at (604) 254-1242.


  • PRAYER ITEMS: Click Here

    • Please pray that during the application review process that the PSC continues to be sensitive to the guiding of the Holy Spirit.
    • Please also pray for the pastoral candidates themselves as they undergoing the application review process that they continue to receive discernment and encouragement to where God is leading to serve next.
    1. Please email your prayer requests to Pastor Joe (josephyu@vcefc.org) indicating if they are private or to be posted.
    2. Join us every Wednesday night at 7:30 pm to pray as a community for our church, our city and the world. https://zoom.us/j/446506289

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