For congregant room booking,Please email

Number=Room number,Cp=Chapel, Cy=Courtyard, K=Kitchen, F=Fellowship Hall, Li=Library, Lo=Lounge, S=Sanctuary
Adult Fellowship, Agape Fellowship, Awana Club, CSC Choir, CSC Evangelism Department, CSC Membership Department, Cornelius Fellowship, Chinese Gospel Opera Group, CSC Prayer Meeting, Children’s Worship, Daniel Fellowship, Esther Fellowship, CSC Family New, Journey Fellowship, Joshua Fellowship, Joyful Centre, Ladies Bible Study, Mandarin Fellowship, Mom’s Fellowship,  Senior Fellowship, Sunday School, Timothy Fellowship, CSC Worship Practice, ESC Worship Practice, MSC Worship Practice, The Welcome Team for Hong Kong Newcomers, Zion Fellowship

Floor Plans:
Main Floor Plan2nd floor plan

Special Announcemnt

The church garage gate is out of service due to severe damage. Please park elsewhere until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.