
2024 Panama Short Term Missions

We will be sending a short term mission team to Panama this Summer to help run an English Camp in support for the local churches. It is an overnight English youth camp that also focuses on the gospel. The English lessons will be VBS style, using Bible stories, songs and sharing of the gospel. The chance to improve one’s language skills is the draw for many non-Christian parents and youths.

Mission Dates June 7-17
Camp Dates: Mon to Fri, June 10-14 *
On-site Training: Sat to Sun,  June 8-9(STMs to arrive by Fri, June 7)
Local Outreach Event: Sun, June 16

Application deadline: Mon, February 5, 2024.
If you are interested in joining the short term missions team, please contact Pastor Joe at

Download Application form lhere

More information is available at the church website:

Special Announcemnt

The church garage gate is out of service due to severe damage. Please park elsewhere until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.