• Welcome! If you’re new to our online service here, welcome to our church!  If you’re able to stay on in the Zoom meeting after today’s service, we would love to meet you. Also, if you’d like, please email us at hello@vcefc.org so that someone from the care team can reach out to you.
    • For ministries, fellowships and small groups to have meetings in Church, please inform the office by email at least one week ahead to book rooms. Room availability can be checked in our website. Please click “Room Booking” under “Contact Us” in the main menu.
    • According to the most updated guidelines from CRT, all church gatherings, except Sunday services, require participants’ vaccination verification. For fellowships and small groups to start in-person meetings in church, please follow the following procedures:
      1. A committee of the fellowship or small group should be designated to register attendance and verify vaccination for the attendees of age 12 or older at the foyer near the front entrance in the first 30 minutes of the first in-person meeting. Please use the app provided by the BC Government: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof/businesses#app
      2. Each fellowship or small group must hand in the participant registration and vaccination verification list to the office before the next in-person meeting for record purpose. All future newcomers must first report to the office for registration and vaccine verification before proceeding to the meeting room. The office will update the participants list for each fellowship and small group.
      3. All fellowship and small group participants must wear masks and register at the office upon entering the church premises.
    • Please click here for most updated church COVID regulations.
    • Donation receipts of 2021 has been mailed out.
    • New Sunday School Classes offered in March – May 2022, starting today
    • The Epistle to the Ephesians– with Hansel Wang
      The Epistle to the Ephesians, the “crown of Pauline writings,” soars the height to contemplate the mystery and the goal of salvation that the Father achieves through the Son. Ephesians has been esteemed as significant as the Psalms, the Gospel of John, and Romans in shaping the life and thought of Christians. Its influence on Christian liturgy (worship) and piety of the Church are profound.
      This course, grounded in biblical interpretation, explores the key themes of the Epistle which include God’s saving purposes from election to his summing up of all things in Christ; the exalted Christ and believers’ relationship to him; God’s victory in Christ over all powers; the grant presentation of the Church and its language of worship and prayer; and the scope and depth of its ethical teaching, etc. Ephesians challenges the superficial understanding of the Gospel prevalent in our day steeped in the postmodern mindset. It insists that the truth of God and his Gospel, while demands our personal participation, stands over against all ideas that deny its objective divine reality.
      History of Christianity I– with Pastor Christopher
      Christianity is an ancient religion with over two millennia of historical development. For Christians today, knowing our history is nothing short of knowing who we are as the people of God across time. We stand upon the shoulder of theological giants, of pioneers who cleared the way for us in the midst of defining our faith and defending our faith against heresies. From its roots as a small Jewish sect on the eastern borders of the Roman Empire to a global religion that spans every continent, this course explores the period from Christianity’s inception to the Reformation. Have you ever wondered why there are so many diverse denominations which have only proliferated after Reformation and differing expressions of worship, doctrine, practice, and even church architecture? In addition to touching on some of these topics, you’ll get a better grasp of how Christianity ended up with the Bible, and the various conflicts which led to the beliefs we have today such as the Trinity. Explore the formative centuries of Early to Medieval to Reformation.
    • Pastor Wai Mui has scheduled her retirement by the end of the February. However, to allow time for recruiting her replacement, Pastor Wai Mui has graciously accepted the Board’s request to continue, on an interim basis, with her current ministry roles till August 31, 2022, or when the new staff arrives, whichever comes first. This will minimize any ministry disruption during the recruitment process. Please offer your continuous support to Pastor Wai Mui in her ministry among us.
    • The church board and congregational committees:
      • Church Board
        Chair: Rich Ng
        Vice-Chair /Secretary: Ronne Wan
        Treasurer: Patrick Chan
        Missions: Ada Fok
        Christian Education / ESCC Liaison: Herbert Lee
      • Personnel Committee
        Chair: Hansel Wang
      • ESCC
        Chair / Community Events: Brenda Chew
        Vice Chair / Worship: C.E. Chen
        Fellowships / Worship: Darren Lau
        Treasurer / Secretary: Jonathan Lo
        Congregational Care: Jonathan Chan
        Outreach / Mission Liaison: Catherine Ip
        Small Groups / Christian Education Liaison: Lawrence Tung
      • CSCC
        Chair: Yeda Hong
        Vice Chair / Evangelism: Nancy Luk
        Evangelism: Sarah Chan
        Secretary / Membership: Jessie Chen
        Membership: Keith Kwan
        Sacred Music & Worship: Christina Lee, Arthur Wan
        Sunday School/Library: Nancy Lee
        Fellowship: David Chan
    • 2022 yearly theme is “Rise up and build!” (Nehemiah 2:18).
    • Evangel Seminary is one of the organizations our church supports financially and prays for. They have kindly provided a video to show their appreciation and share what they are doing to further God’s Kingdom.
    • Starting January 2nd, we will move our in-person worship service back to the main sanctuary. This will allow us at 50% capacity, a cap of 120 people. online registration will still be required for contact tracing purpose. To accommodate the sanitization of high touch areas between ESC and CSC services, we will move up our worship start time by 15 minutes to 9:30am and end at 10:45.
    • New Critical Response Team announcement from Herbert:
      1. All church meetings except worship services will be suspended until further notice. Church members should contact your fellowship or small group leaders to arrange alternate means of gathering such as on-line meetings.
      2. Gatherings at home are limited to one household plus 10 visitors or one other household. Everyone 12 years or older must be fully vaccinated.
      This new public health order will be in effect until January 18, 2022. CRT and the church board will monitor the situation closely.
    • Please see new update from CRT for COVID guidelines here.
    • Pastor Joseph is on an educational enrichment leave for the next three months and will return in the April. Feel free to approach our ESCC chair, Brenda Chew, or our youth director, Christopher Chu for any questions or concerns.
    • In addition to the regular prayer meetings on Wednesday, we invite you in praying for Mission and Evangelism on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 to 8:30pm
    • Evangel Seminary is one of the organizations our church supports financially and prays for. They have kindly provided a video to show their appreciation and share what they are doing to further God’s Kingdom.
    • The Church Board has resolved to make Monday as a day of rest for all staff due to their ministries during the weekend. The church office is now closed on Mondays. For urgent matters, brothers and sisters are asked to contact the pastoral staff directly. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
    • Community prayer time will resume back to meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30. Join us in praying as a community for our church, our city and the world. https://zoom.us/j/446506289
    • In-person Sunday Worship. But for now, it will be at the fellowship hall with a limit of 40 people + the worship team. Because of the capacity, we ask that whoever wants to attend the in-person worship to pre-resister online.  The link to the registration form is available at the church’s website. Worship will continue to be available to attend through zoom.
    • Small groups and Fellowships are available for all ages and life stages, from teens through college, adults and career, all the way to retired seniors. For more information on our various fellowships and small groups please visit our church website under the “Get Connected” section on the menu tab, or email us at hello@vcefc.org .
    • Just a friendly reminder that Journey Fellowship will be having an online gathering this afternoon at 4:30pm for a “5 Step Master Class” basically a show n tell for how to do something neat.
    • Welcome Team for Hong Kong Newcomers has recently been established in order to welcome and show hospitality to both fellow Christians and friends who immigrate or return to Canada from Hong Kong. If you have family or friends who have recently moved to or are planning to move to Vancouver, looking for church or some assistance, please feel free to contact Pastor Job Chan (jobchan@vcefc.org) or Yeda Hong (vcefc.welcome@gmail.com)Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/100847038934841/
    • 2 full time positions is open for hire: Building and Facility Maintenance Support, and Janitorial Support. For details, please click on this link: https://vcefc.org/1033/new-job-opportunities/.
    • ONLINE OFFERING: As our church has temporary suspended all gatherings and moved our weekly worship services online during the COVID-19 pandemic, you have the option to give your offering through Interac e-transfer. You can still mail your cheques, or drop off your offering at the church. For further instruction on how to  give online, click here.
    • CONTACT US: We know that this can be a difficult and distressing time for some. If you have any needs, concerns or prayer requests, we want to hear from you.  You can connect with the church through email at admin@vcefc.org or by phone at (604) 254-1242.


  • PRAYER ITEMS: Click Here

    • Please pray that during the application review process that the PSC continues to be sensitive to the guiding of the Holy Spirit.
    • Please also pray for the pastoral candidates themselves as they undergoing the application review process that they continue to receive discernment and encouragement to where God is leading to serve next.
    1. Please email your prayer requests to Pastor Joe (josephyu@vcefc.org) indicating if they are private or to be posted.
    2. Join us every Wednesday night at 7:30 pm to pray as a community for our church, our city and the world. https://zoom.us/j/446506289

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