• Adult Fellowship Launch: We will officially launch our Younger Adult Fellowship for the post-university to 40 years old members of ESC on January 10th at 4pm on Zoom. This fellowship will meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month.
      Join us for fellowship, prayer and growing together in the Lord at  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86277135432
    • 45th Anniversary Combine Christmas Day Worship and Celebration: This year on our church’s 45th anniversary, all three congregations of our church will celebrate Christmas together with a special time of worship and celebration. Join us on December 25th, 10am on zoom at www.vcefc.org/1033/worship.
    • This year due to pandemic, the 2021 calendar cannot be distributed at church and must be mailed to congregants. If you have moved, please email your updated address to peterlai@vcefc.org ASAP.
    • Due to pandemic, the church cannot collect gifts to give to the needy in this Christmas time, but brothers and sisters are encouraged to give online to express love in action through participating projects of Christian Organizations like:
      – UGM “Gifts of Hope” (https://giftsofhope.ugm.ca)
      – CCM “Love Flows – Angel Care Gift Basket” (https://communitycare.ccmcanada.org/love-flows-angel-care-gift-basket-2)
    • BC Government have implemented a new Public Health Order on November 6. As a result, all church sponsored gathering at home will be suspended immediately until further notice.
    • Worshipping together: At the present stage, instead of reopening in-person worship service, starting December 6th, the English Congregation will host “live-stream” worship services  on Zoom at our regular Sunday, 9:45 am time.  The zoom link: www.vcefc.org/1033/worship
    • Winter Semester of Online Sunday School: The winter Semester of online Sunday school will begin on December 6, 2020. There are two classes available for enrolment. 1. Systematic Theology I (What God Has Revealed About Himself, And Why Does It Matter?) – Pastor Joe.  2. New Testament Survey I – YC Ip.  All the classes will held every Sunday morning on Zoom at 11:30 am. Please click here for more information and course outline.
    • Support Union Gospel Mission’s Gifts of Hope this Christmas by picking out gifts to give to those in need at https://giftsofhope.ugm.ca.
    • We are currently hiring 3 full time positions: Administrator, Building and Facility Maintenance Support, and Janitorial Support. For details, please click on this link: https://vcefc.org/1033/new-job-opportunities/.
    • Awana registration is still open, you may download the form here: https://vcefc.org/1033/wp-content/uploads/Awana-2020-21-Registration-Form.pdf and please send it to awana@vcefc.org if you would like to register your child (Age 3 to Grade 6) for this year’s online Awana.
    • ONLINE OFFERING: As our church has temporary suspended all gatherings and moved our weekly worship services online during the COVID-19 pandemic, you have the option to give your offering through Interac e-transfer. You can still mail your cheques, or drop off your offering at the church. For further instruction on how to  give online, click here.
    • COMMUNITY PRAYER TIME:  Please join us in prayer online every Wednesday, 7:30 pm noon via ZOOM. Download the app and pray with us at https://zoom.us/j/446506289
    • CONTACT US: We know that this can be a difficult and distressing time for some. If you have any needs, concerns or prayer requests, we want to hear from you.  You can connect with the church through email at admin@vcefc.org or by phone at (604) 254-1242.


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