Announcement for the Appointments of Acting Congregation Pastors of CSC and ESC

As you are aware, the positions of congregation pastors in both CSC and ESC have been vacated—over six years in CSC and over 3 months in ESC. As congregation pastors are very crucial for the long term well being of the church, Pastoral Search Committee has been exercising a lot...
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Interac e-Transfer Donation

We are pleased to advise that Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Free Church can accept offering payment by way of Interac e-Transfer. We have enabled an Autodeposit* feature with our Financial Institution that enables us to receive e-Transfers without having to answer a security...
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DIY Unleavened Bread Recipe

COMMUNION: Communion is on the first Sunday of each month during the worship service. The next communion will be on May 3rd. We invite you to prepare the elements to partake communion with us at home. You will need to have bread (or crackers), and grape juice or wine ready for...
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Special Announcemnt

The church garage gate is out of service due to severe damage. Please park elsewhere until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.